Thursday, January 20, 2011

Birthday Post!

Hi Everyone,

It's my 41st birthday today so I thought I would start it with a new blog post!
It's a gorgeous sunny, blue skied day out there with icy snow on the trees. It is truly a
winter wonderland today!

So many thoughts on what I hope this year brings, but most of all, I hope I can keep in my
mind the contentment of being happy with where I am. I always receive a quote daily from a group called "" that my dear friend Bobbi shared with me. The quote two days ago read something like "to be spiritual is less about being godly like and more about being "deeply human". I love this quote! So, this year, I will do my best to not shut down in a hard moment and keep myself open and deeply human.

I am so happy to share that I made it to the gym last night. I know that doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment but I have been having neck trouble which has caused me not to exercise. There also have been a bunch of snow days which has kept me home with the kids, etc, etc. Anyway, it is excellent to feel great in my body this morning. I want to encourage you all to do something physical today. Even it's stretching, or doing 10 squats while you are cooking in the kitchen, lift some weights in between emails, do some lower belly squeezes while in your office chair, just use some muscles and connect with your body today.

That's it for today, enjoy it. Here's another beautiful quote that is an old native american prayer "get out your rainbow colors and make today a beautiful day"! be happy and well, Lysa

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