Friday, February 6, 2015

Feel Good Post- Expanding Our Palate and Our Mind

Feb.6th, 2015

Hi Everyone,

I hope this post finds you well and looking forward to the weekend! Life has been very busy around my house as we have a new addition to our family-our puppy, Pepper. She is 9 weeks old, very cute and full of sweetness and mischief!

Meet Pepper, our Spanish Water dog-9 weeks old!

In addition to having fun with Pepper I have been working with the kids at Phoenicia Elementary School wearing my Superfood Girl hat and doing my nutrition residency there. We have had a lot of fun. Today was my last day with them. It always hard to say goodbye!  Here are a couple of photos of the project they did today to reinforce helping them understand the food groups and how to create a balanced plate.
Thank you Annie Internicola for the fantastic illustration of Superfood Girl!
Exciting news! My close friend Kristen Noel- has put together another powerful and stunning issue of Best Self online magazine. The new issue will be up and running on  Monday, February 9th. The theme is a "Mindful Revolution". In this issue Kristen interviews Congressman Tim Ryan, author of the Food Revolution.   I have a piece in this entitled "Dishing Up a Mindful Revolution". Keep posted for more details.

I am in the process of having the very talented Nan Tepper of Nan Tepper Design, create a new website for me. When it came time for me to send her photos for the site,  I found myself facing my weird fear (and or resistance) of taking photos of food and posting them. Since I am committed to moving forward with my work and expanding my perspective on life, I decided to tackle my fear of taking photos and post some with the hope that this will be a new practice of mine!  Below are some of the photos I took.  It is my intention to post weekly so keep an eye out for my Feel Good posts!  Have a great weekend! Lysa
The makings for fresh lemon ginger tea! Put fresh ginger in a pot of water about 16 oz and boil for 12-15 minutes. Squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon into cup and add the ginger tea. Sweeten with 1 tsp of raw honey if desired. Excellent for digestion and your immune system.

Baked butternut squash with sautéed spinach and shitake mushrooms - so yummy!

Super easy- bake butternut squash at 350 for about an hour (until tender). Cut lengthwise and remove seeds. Saute' spinach and shitake mushrooms with some olive oil and minced garlic. Add a little sea salt or Tamari for extra flavor. I added some coconut oil to the butternut squash for flavor and some healthy fat.