Monday, January 20, 2014

Feel Good Monday Post: Freedom

Good Morning Everyone!

It is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and my birthday.  Today the topic of freedom rings in my mind.  It is a good day to give thought to this powerful word and what it means in our own life.  In my life, freedom means the ability to open myself up to dwell in possibility. To dream without refrain.  To allow the twinkle in my eye to shine.  Freedom also is a choice.  What helps me to feel free? I feel most free when I let go of my fear and embrace the present moment.  When I choose to eat well and take care of my body. When I forget about the "shoulds" and allow myself to go for a run/walk even when I have a hundred other things to do.  Helping others brings a wonderful freedom to me as well.

Give yourself a moment to sit and ponder what freedom means to you. What does it look like and feel like?  When do you feel most free?  How could you feel more free?  Today, allow yourself to taste this wonderful feeling.  Take a step toward being more free.  See what happens, allow yourself to "dwell in possibility".

Below is a FANTASTIC recipe that my husband so sweetly cooked for an early birthday dinner for me last night.  If you are vegetarian, you can substitute tofu, tempeh or even more veggies for the ground turkey. This dish smells and tastes so delicious.  Try it and you will see!!  We used coconut sugar instead of brown sugar. :)

Here are two wonderful quotes by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
  • “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. For me freedom is when I have an ability to make my dreams come true, and when all boundaries just ignite my desire to achieve them.
