Monday, September 10, 2012

Tip of the week: Cleaning non organic fruits and vegetables

Hi Everyone,

Over a month ago, a friend emailed me and asked the best way to clean non- organic fruits and veggies.
In the past, I have always used diluted hydrogen peroxide.  Before I emailed her back, I decided to do a little research on the topic and share my findings with you all.

Here is the scoop. Firstly, before we get into a cleaning solution, it's important to know the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15.

Here is a list of fruits and veggies that are on the EWG( Environmental Working Group)
Dirty Dozen list (these are to avoid because of their high pesticide content):

1. apples
2. celery
3. sweet bell peppers
4. peaches
5. strawberries
6. nectarines
7. grapes
8. spinach
9. lettuce
10. cucumbers
11. blueberries
12. potatoes
*green beans
*kale (also recommended to avoid)

Here are the clean 15 (okay to eat non-organic)
1. onions
2. sweet corn
3. pineapples
4. avocado
5. cabbage
6. sweet peas
7. asparagus
8. mangoes
9. eggplant
10. kiwi
11. cantaloupe
12. sweet potato
13. grapefruit
14. watermelon
15. mushroom

Here is what I have come up with fruit and veggie cleaners:

1. A combination of white or cider vinegar with 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed in a spray bottle ( the site didn't say how much of each so I would do half and half).  Use a dark spray bottle (can try using the bottle the hydrogen peroxide is in and just add a sprayer).  Keep by sink and spray veggies with it and then wipe off with clean, wet sponge and then rinse with water.

2. Mix 1 tbsp of lemon and 2 tbsp of baking soda in spray bottle with one cup of water.  Follow the above procedure.

3. 1 tbsp lemon juice & 2 tbsp white vinegar (distilled) & 1 cup water in spray bottle.  Follow the above procedure for cleaning.

4. 4 tbsp salt & juice of 1/2 lemon. Fill a large bowl with water and add the salt and lemon juice.  Let fruit and veggies soak for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse off.

Happy fruit and veggie washing to you!


  1. Thank you for the tips, Lysa! One of the reasons I go for organic food is because of the high pesticide content of non-organic fruits and vegetables. No offense to those who advocate it, but I just happen to find more personal and environmental benefits with organic foods. Timmy @

  2. These are very helpful. Washing fruits and vegetables with water sometimes isn’t enough. There are some vegetables and fruits that you need to clean more thoroughly, just to remove the harmful residues or bacteria that got are at its surface. And this solution is the perfect alternative. It’s easy to make and is all natural, to make sure your food is completely clean.

    Melissa Newman @ iGozen

  3. Thank you so much for this article! I have never thought that I should clean my non organic vegetables and fruit in some special way! Thanks for sharing the information here!Cheam Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

  4. I clean my vegetables and fruit with a mixture of water and white organic vinegar. It works amazing and I am sure that I will eat clean and fresh veggies. I think that nowadays it is an absolutely must to clean every single vegetable with this mixture.
