Friday, May 7, 2010


Hi Out There,

I am so happy to report that I am feeling energized again after a wiped out yesterday!
My best guess is that I took the time to go to the "fusion" class and I got a decent night of sleep last night.

Today is our "peace pack" project at school which I am thrilled about. The kids are decorating canvas bags & filling them with school supplies, toys & letters that they have written about themselves for the children we are sending the packs to in Haiti. It is part of a bigger project that we are involved with a local group called the "Haitian People's Support Project". This group has been helping out in Haiti for the last 20 years. They have been helping out a few different orphanages in Haiti and these packs will go to one of the orpahanges.

This is the second project we have done to help the people in Haiti in our own little way. It feels good to do. The coolest part is that the school community came out the first time and we have many kids signed up for today as well!

Here's a little recipe for you to try:

Ume Pumpkin Seeds: taken from one of my favorite books "the Balanced Plate", Renee Loux

2 cups raw pumpkin seeds
2-3 tsp ume vinegar

Toast the pumpkin seeds in a heavy skillet over low heat, stirring regularly. It is worth being patient and toasting slowly for the best flavor. After about 5 minutes, the seeds will swell and become fragrant, but they should not pop or the heat is too high.

Add the vinegar and stir constantly with a wooden spoon for about 1 minute, toasting until dry.

Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container or bag in a cool, dry place.

Special note: Ume vinegar is a plum vinegar that can be found at health food stores and I am guessing Asian markets. It is super salty, so keep it to a minimum when you use it.

Here's a cool quote: " The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star". Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (also taken from Renee's "balanced plate" book).

It is a beautiful day, get out and enjoy it!!!!!

I have a super busy weekend coming up, so in case I don't write until Monday, have a great weekend! Also, to all the Moms out there, "Happy Mother's Day"!!!!!!

Be well,

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