Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coming out of my body's natural cleanse

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry I haven't written for a few days. My body decided to its own little cleanse over the weekend. Another name for that would be "the stomach bug". A mild one luckily, but nonetheless uncomfortable and a bummer that it fell on Mother's day weekend. I am already feeling so much better. Tomorrow I will exercise for the first time in a few days. I can't wait because one of my Mother's day presents was a pair of bike shoes that have clips for my spinning class! Can't wait to try them out!!!!

Here's a quick, fun, easy & tasty bite:

Artichoke, cannellini,lemon dip:
1 jar of artichoke hearts in water ( if you can only find them in oil, that's okay too)
1 can of cannellini beans (Eden is a good company to get)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp of oil
sea salt
can also add a handful of chopped parsley
2 tbsp water

Put all the ingredients in blender and press puree. You will have to stop and mix it a few times. When done it will have a hummus like consistency. It is super flavorful. Good for dipping in or inside a wrap or even sandwich.

Dr. Phil's 8th step on his Life Renewal Plan:
What are your goals? Define specific goals with measurable outcomes and assign yourself a timeline. Passion and willpower alone won't cut it- you need a strategy.

Okay, what about exercise? Have you done any lately? Remember that eating well & exercising are like a happily married couple. They compliment eachother. Even it's a brisk walk, some stretching, weight lifting, dancing in your house. Do something to move your beautiful body.

And..... while you are moving your body, remember to thank it for all it does everyday. I was realizing this weekend when my body wanted to do NOTHING, how incredibly lucky I am that my body does SO MUCH every single day. We need to remember to thank our bodies for what they do and be grateful for them.

On that note, it's time for me to say goodnight.


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