Monday, June 3, 2013

Feel Good Monday Post: Remembering the Basics

Hi Everyone!

Happy June!
Last week I didn't write, my computer was (still is) having great difficulties and I was preparing
to go on a trip to Washinton DC with about 75 7th graders as the school nurse. It was an amazing time and many lessons learned.

One of those lessons was learning what I need in order to function at my best. I need to have the following: lots of water, greens (twice day) and some form of exercise.
I can go one or two days without the above, but after that, I feel like I am in someone
else's body (not in one that I would choose).

What do you know about yourself and what you need to feel good and have a sense of well being?
Jot it down and keep the list somewhere visible. Honor your needs and you will be able to give so much more to those around you.

During the last workshop my friend Lisa Preston and I did together, Lisa brought in jicama sticks (julienned  jicama) with lime and a pinch of sea salt. It was first time having raw jicama. I so enjoyed the crunchiness of it and the flavor with the lime and salt. As we move into the warmer weather, having this as a go to snack is wonderful. Try it and let me know what you think! 

Enjoy your week and remember to honor your body's needs. It will thank you for it and you will receive much in return!!!

In happiness and health,

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