It's been a bit since I've blogged so thought it was high time for me to get writing!
Well, I need to admit that this round of no sugar/no alcohol was a bit harder than the spring round. Perhaps it's been harder because my neck has been out of sorts so I haven't been able to exercise which really helps me feel good in my body.
I haven't hard such a hard time with sugar as much as missing a glass of wine. However, what I have noticed is that when I let myself have the wine, then I want the sugar. So after all these years of self experimenting and figuring out what works for me and what doesn't. I have finally realized that for me, alcohol and sugar are partners in crime! Now of course I need to decide what I want to do this info. For now, I will tuck it away since I am back on my sugar/alcohol cleanse after a three day weekend of letting myself have a bit of wine and some cake.
A friend introduced me to a gentle vegetable cleanse that I think I am going to play with a little next week that I will share with you. Just focusing on baked and steamed veggies and some veggie broth. Seems like a nice way to cleanse and rejuvenate in the winter.
I received my Feb. issue of O magazine, which is my favorite. The cover reads "Imagaine, Yes, You Can Have... Your ideal body, A Better Job, Extra Energy, More Love, Less Stress, A Fresh Outlook: The New You Begins Here!
So many great things to think about...
What would you like to focus on this year?
I am always working on my ideal body, which to me means being as strong and fit as I can realistically be. Working on building my practice and of course most of us would love more energy, love (although I must admit love is something I have plenty of in my life) & less stress. All sound great.
My belief is that if I keep coming back to the areas in my life I want to focus on, even if I only have a little time to deal with a particular area, it makes a big difference.
So again, I ask you: what would you like to work on this winter? Write it down and plan what steps you will need to take to manifest the change you want.
love the new website, lysa!