I am already at the end of day #7 of my spring liver cleanse and feel really good. I want to share with you some detoxifying thoughts tonight. This is from the January, 2010 issue of "O" magazine. It's written by Martha Beck who is a contributing editor of "O" and I believe a life coach as well.
The article is "How to Fix the Broken Record in Your Head". Here are the first two tips Martha Beck suggests for negative thinking. For the last two, you will have to read again tomorrow.
"1. Recognize your negative voice as a 2-year old tantrum. Trying to reason with it only increases the hysteria. Instead, take your inner 2-year old to a quiet place and let it throw its fit. Write down all the cruel judgements until they fade to a grumble.
2. Accept that some of your self- criticism may be true, but never let failure end the story. Instead of saying no to the negative voice, say, "yes, and ...for example, last year I jogged as only as far as that new kielbasa stand and I also managed to stop a few binges by reading trashy novels instead."
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